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SDIC Chuangyi-investedfirms donate 130 million yuan in cash and goods to Henan for flood disaster relief


Up to date, SDIC Chuangyi-invested enterprises have donated a total of 130 million yuan in cash and goods to Henan Province for flood disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.

SDIC Chuangyi, a fund management company of SDIC, manages funds totaling more than 37.7 billion yuan and invests in wide range industries.

SDIC Chuangyi and its invested enterprises have taken immediate actions in aiding Henan Province which was hit recently by heavy torrential rainstorms and floods. The heavy rains and floods damaged roads, submerged houses, and trapped people in the flood areas.

SDIC Chuangyi and its invested enterprises answered the call of the top leader and government of the country and spared no efforts in providing aids and assistance to help Henan to battle against the flood disaster and to resume production.

Among SDIC Chuangyi-invested enterprises, Muyuan Group has donated 100 million yuan to Henan for its flood control, disaster relief and post-flood reconstruction. Jointown Group, another SDIC Chuangyi-invested enterprise, has donated 5 million yuan in cash and 5 million yuan worth of goods to Henan Charity General Federation via Hubei Charity General Federation and Wuhan Charity General Federation. Mingyang Group, invested by SDIC Chuangyi, has donated 2 million yuan in cash to Zhengzhou Red Cross Society and 10 million yuan worth of solar power generators to Xinmi City Red Cross Society. Tianshili Zhongtian Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd and Guotai Liquor Co Ltd, both of which are SDIC Chuangyi-invested companies, joined hands with Tianshili Charity Fund and Tianshili Pharmacuetical Commerce Co to have donated 1.8 million yuan worth of medicines and 1.5 million yuan worth of bottled water to Zhengzhou Red Cross Society and medical institutions in Henan Province. More SDIC Chuangyi-invested companies, such as XinLianXin Company, Weltmeister, Feilongyu and Tikin Media, have provided aid and assistance in their own ways to Henan Province, including donating 10,000 sand bags and 48,000 bottles of water.

SDIC Chuangyi considers it its social responsibility to provide aid and assistance to disaster-hit Henan and will join hands with its invested enterprises to continue to follow up the disaster relief work in the province and do its part in helping the disaster-hit areas to resume production.


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